Quiz Night

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Mag Day

Join us for another Mag Day! Details to be confirmed. SAVE THE DATE.

Opening Day

Opening Day - 4 person ambrose Trophy Donor - 18/9h Winners: G Shadbolt, C Millar, S Fielder

1st Monthly Medal Stroke/Putting

1st Monthly Medal Stroke/Putting, 1st Silver Spoon, 1st Int. Bowl Trophy Donor - 18h/9h Winners - Baywater Mazda, Div 1 S Arnold, Div 2 C Hilmi, Div 3 P Earl

Pink Day

Pink Day - 4 person ambrose - 8AM SHOTGUN Trophy Donors - 18h Best Ladies Team, Best Mixed Team - S Coetzee


Par Trophy Donor - 18h/9h Winner, 18h R/Up - H Pullinger

1st Round Club Championships

1st Round Club Championships Trophy Donors - 18h Winner - C Edwards, 9h Winner - B Morrell

2nd Round Club Championships

2nd Round Club Championships Trophy Donors - 18h Winner - T Laurence, 9h Winner - B Morrell